The most important question that needs to be answered when somebody considers a job change or entering a business is why do I do it? While some people like change, the absolute majority looks for a better job to make more money and become more independent – independent of their boss and creditors, independent to enjoy life. The best way, though, is not to find a different position with a company but, while keeping the current stable income job, start your own home-based business that can potentially transform into a full-time business.
Individual home-based internet business gives you the opportunity to become more independent with you paycheck and grow as a manager and marketing expert. After a while the self-employed person can assess whether he should keep his regular job or become involved full-time in internet sales. Starting a part time mlm business you don’t loose anything while investing in your own successful business. Present Herbalife review is an unbiased critique of one of the best internet business opportunities in a niche that has been so thriving for 20 plus years.
Even if you have heard some facts about Herbalife, or have already visited their official website, let’s get everything straight through a profound analyses of the company.
Herbalife is a renown world-wide mlm company operating in the welfare business sector, a sector that has been growing ever since 80′s up till present. With the level of living going up, communities in the developed countries of the Western world and newly emerging industrial countries like China and Brazil have become more aware of health concerns. People are spending more and more money on healthcare and wellness, and become a wonderful and fast growing market for Herbalife weight loss and skincare products that are distributed through network marketing. For many health supplements mean that they wake up energized every morning ready to give 100% of themselves to work, studies and family. It means that people are never fatigued, moody or stressed out, and that they put off for 20-30 years the effects of old age. And that’s exactly what millions of people worldwide want.
Multilevel marketing enjoys such a success nowadays because of its immense capacity to advertize and distribute products. The head management of the company felt the advantages of this type of operation and pursued it. Customers turn into highly effective distributors because they themselves have felt the positive effects of the Herbalife health products they sell.
Founded by Mark Hughes in 1980, Herbalife has spread through a network of 3500 employees and 2 million independent distributors to 72 countries of the world with global sales reaching more than $2 billion in 2009. Herbalife was founded in 1980 by Mark Hughes and over years grew to one of the largest mlm businesses, operating in over 70 countries with a revenue of almost 2 billion US dollars in 2008. During its history, the company has been repeatedly attacked with a number of accusations, none of which have been proven in the courts of law. Statistics shows that the number of distributors who join the business and stay after the initial period of 12 months rose from 39% in 2007 to almost 41% in 2008.
The answer to the question why Herbalife has stayed in the business for so long while other companies came to the market and went into oblivion, is hidden in the following principles:
- The company believes in professionalism and team work on all levels of management;
- Numerous awareness campaigns and launches like Official Sports Sponsorships, AVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour, Los Angeles Galaxy Major League Soccer team, London Triathlon, LiftOff TV ad and books.
- Herbalife is extremely careful with the products it produces and is constantly is search of new formulae;
- Marketing compensation plan that involves direct sales and revenues from people who are recruited by you and ACTIVELY sell the products;
- Distance Training available for all distributors;
- Possibility to market on-line;
Herbalife is a valid business opportunity that can be run in many different ways and even on-line through internet. If you decide Herbalife internet marketing is what you want to be a part of, you will still need to understand how to generate leads to your landing pages and how to assure a steady stream of at least 20 prospects a month.
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